Now Hiring!


Bring the Farm to You is looking to hire a dynamic teacher with a flexible schedule who loves interacting with animals and people.

About the position:

Bring the Farm to You® teachers share curriculum around central Ohio, exciting audiences with animal and farm experiences. We offer 13 different programs, including live Farm Animal Events, formal Mini Farm programs, Apple Cidering and Chick Hatching presentations, our Child’s Homestead® program, and more. This is a unique, fun, and rewarding position and an opportunity to serve our central Ohio community. Clients include school systems, libraries, parks, cities, assisted living centers, childcare centers, camps, churches, and public and private events. We share over 450 programs per year serving over 70,000 people annually! Bring the Farm to You has a reputation as a quality, professional organization that our clients are proud to have representing their schools and organizations, and that you would be proud to work for.

Bring the Farm to You teachers work in the role of either “Assistant” or “Lead” on a given day.

The responsibilities of our teachers include:

  • teaching Bring the Farm to You curriculum at our clients’ locations.
    • In informal programs, like our Farm Animal Events, this means teaching our visitors casually through conversations, sharing interesting information, and answering their questions.
    • In formal programs, a Lead Teacher is at the front of an audience, sharing a presentation with exciting visual aids and/or live animals.
    • In many programs, teaching involves holding animals while talking about them and helping children use their senses to observe and touch the animals in a respectful way.
  • being a positive company representative for our clients and a friendly facilitator for our audiences. Positive energy and a helpful attitude are really important to us.
  • setting up our program at the client’s location: unloading and carrying equipment, leading animals, and cleaning up afterwards.
  • arriving at the program location.
    • If you’re the Lead Teacher for the program, you’d come to the farm and drive the Bring the Farm to You vehicle to the program location, along with the animals and equipment.
    • If you’re the Assistant Teacher for the program, you’d meet the Lead at the program location.

Essential traits in all our teachers:

  • always reliable and on-time. Teachers are responsible for the program starting at designated times with expectant audiences.
  • teaching experience, confidence in front of a group, and the ability to share information at different levels depending on who you’re teaching.
    • Lead Teachers need to have dynamic speaking skills and the ability to hold the attention of various ages of groups and alter the pace or depth of the topic based on the individuals present.
  • physically able to lift 30lbs, carry equipment and cages, able to work at a lively pace in Ohio weather, and a willingness to work as a team to collectively get the job done.
  • confident holding and working with animals (after training), including holding chicks, adult hens and roosters, ducks, and rabbits, moving pig and turkey cages, and walking sheep and goats on leashes.
  • personable, friendly, and a positive representative of our programs and company. Willing to initiate conversations with participants, sharing information about Bring the Farm to You programs.
  • a reliable vehicle, a good driving record, and a phone with navigation and a calendar app.
  • timely communication with office staff to keep the back-end of the business running smoothly.

Working as a Bring the Farm to You teacher is a fun and rewarding way to inspire, excite, and educate people of all ages and backgrounds. The work is varied – some days we’re teaching inner city kids who have never seen farm animals before. Other days, we’re helping elders at a senior facility spark their memories with a farm program. We could be teaching 3rd graders how to hatch chicks in their classroom. Or we may be delivering the best birthday ever to a child. The experiences are varied and deeply rewarding.

Our schedule varies with the season and by the program schedule. This is a great long-term position for someone who wants a rewarding and flexible part time job working with people and animals while serving an important need in our central Ohio community. The pay rate starts at $17/hour. Lead Teacher pay starts at $20/hour.

If you’d like to join us in this fresh form of farm education, one that meets people right in their communities, apply by emailing Please attach your resume and answer the following questions:

  1. What has been your teaching experience, including ages and group sizes that you’ve taught?
  2. What experiences and interactions have you had with animals in general and specifically farm animals?
  3. What is your availability, now and seasonally?
  4. Does flexible part-time work fit into your income needs for the foreseeable future, or are you on the look-out for a full-time position?
  5. Are you comfortable driving large vehicles?
  6. What attracts you to this unique farm education teaching position?

To learn more about Bring the Farm to You® and our programs, visit us online at www.bringthefarmtoyou.comor on social at and

Farm Educator Intern

Do you love animals? Do you like talking to people? If so, you might make a great Farm Educator Intern! Interns work directly with the public, teaching and assisting with farm education programs. All our programs travel to our clients’ locations, serving schools, libraries, park systems, childcare centers, assisted living centers, city festivals, and private events in central Ohio.

At Bring the Farm to You®, we want our interns to become exposed to a fresh form of environmental education – one that shares important and meaningful connections with the community, right where they are. We bring the farm into cities and suburbs, helping people feel connected with the animals that help supply our food and fiber, and the skills and history of making-ones-own.

Interns may have an opportunity to do the following tasks:

Assist with Programs
·      Work together with our Lead Teachers, assisting with set-up, clean-up, and teaching the public about the animals.
·      Take pictures of the programs and animals to help promote our programs and to help people feel connected to the farm.
·      Interact with and teach program participants, logging frequently asked questions, and otherwise helping to improve and deepen the learning experience for our visitors.

Teach Programs
·      Formal teaching opportunities may be available based on the program schedule and intern interest. This opportunity will teach interns group management, public speaking skills, and how to engage an audience with information.

Farm Work
·      Assist with routine animal care such as brushing angora rabbits, leash-training animals, trimming nails, socializing animals, etc.
·      Assist with animal chores, including feeding, changing bedding, collecting/washing eggs, cleaning stalls, etc.
·      Assist with work projects, including clearing brush, building repairs, seeding, etc.

Program Equipment
·      Assist with equipment cleaning, including sterilizing incubators, inventorying supplies, and washing equipment
·      Farm trailer upkeep including cleaning stalls and cages, filling buckets, replenishing supplies, etc.

Compensation and schedule: The intern will work part-time as needed, based on our program schedule and the intern’s availability. Compensation starts at $15/hour. Opportunities are available for continuing the internship through multiple seasons or becoming a permanent part-time employee.

We have had many college interns receive credit through their universities. It is up to the intern to pursue those opportunities with their advisor and to complete the required time and work in order to earn credit for their internship.

To apply, please email with the following subject heading: Intern Application.  If you have a resume, please attach it.  In your email, answer the following questions:
1.    Why are you interested in an internship with Bring the Farm to You?
2.    Do you drive and have reliable transportation?
3.    What is your availability?
4.    What has been your experience and comfort level with animals?
5.    What type of formal or informal teaching experiences have you had?