Library Programs

Bring the Farm to You programs are wonderfully suited for library learning, either as formal classroom-type programs or as bring-everyone-to-the-library community events.

Whether it’s for your summer reading program, a back-to-school or winter activity, a supplement to story time, or an adult learning workshop, we’ll inspire your readers in new topics while providing fun and engaging presentations that will pique their interest in finding out more.

The beauty of Bring the Farm to You is that we bring a little bit of the farm right to you, whether you’re in the city, a suburb, or even in the country.

Click on the picture links in the sidebar to explore the programs that best fit a library setting – and then contact us to schedule your Bring the Farm to You program!


  • Engaging readers of all ages in new topics
  • Providing in-person expertise and Q&A
  • Having a bit of the farm right at your library for visitors to experience
  • An easy-for-you program that supplies all the teaching and equipment





Why a Bring the Farm to You program?

• So few children have opportunities to experience a touch or taste of the farm. Those early experiences are so important in developing interests in our living world and learning how we fit in with nature.

• Young adults may not have role models that can teach them about the basics of where their food and clothes from.  As children grow into adults, they want to become independent.  Topics about how we can provide for ourselves fascinate them and open up a world of possibility to explore.

• Many adults learn new topics best directly from another person, with the ability to get immediate answers to their questions. In a world of abundant information, having an expert parse out a new topic in an easy-to-understand demonstration helps avoid the feeling of overwhelm, makes the topic come to life, and gives them confidence that they can do it too.